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Carnation Sushi for the mother’s day

Have you ever seen this video by American Greeting for the mother’s day?

It’s really funny, but really touching video. I am sure all the moms out there would totally understand and love this as well.

It’s so true that being a mom is truly the toughest & hardest job that I have ever done in my life, both physically & mentally, but most rewarding and valuable job that I have ever done in my life as well.

When I became a new mom …

almost 14 years ago, I was shocked how hard it was and thought “Oh my gosh, how the hell all the moms out there can do this?”. I felt totally defeated…. I really couldn’t do anything well, starting from feeding, changing diapers, putting the baby to sleep….. breastfeeding was exhausting, I was covered in poops, and was like a zombie with no sleep…..I couldn’t even put my baby in the bath by myself without my mom’s help. I was totally useless new mom….

But you go through it.

Sleepless nights…… Taking a shower in a second……. learn to do everything in one hand…….shoving kids leftovers in your mouth……..replying the text and emails while breastfeeding……..Go everywhere with baby attaching on your chest………….or running like a maniac in the supermarket with a crying baby in the stroller…….Changing poop full of the diaper in a second as if nothing had happened. …….Singing to your baby like a Broadway singer and reading a book like an Oscar-winning actor. ….

Eventually, you’ll master them all.

And kids grow, almost too fast….

They started to smile……talk……sit upright…..crawl…..stand up……eat their own meals (more like mixing and attacking it)……run……ride a the bike…….swim………… go to school…………make friends……….learn to read and write…….. go to the park………. field trip……….graduation……etc….

Looking back, it feels that everything went by almost too fast….

And you will never forget those moments when your baby smiled at you for the first time. When they held your finger with their tiny hands, called you “mom”, gave you a lots of hugs and kisses or ran towards to you with big smile on their face….. then all your hard work just disappear, and only the pure joy and love stays in your heart.

And only After that I became a mom, I finally realized how hard my mom has worked to raise us. She did everything by herself without the luxury items that we are so used to have currently, like dishwasher, rumba, smartphone. I have no idea how she did it. She is an amazing grandmother to my kids as well and always sends us a package full of snacks and goodies from Japan every holiday that you can think of.

Carnation Sushi

So today I made this carnation sushi

thinking about my mom and everything she has done for us. I remember when I was little, I bought her a small bouquet of carnation with my monthly allowance and she looked really happy. I won’t be able to see her to thank her in person as we live across the ocean, but am going to call her and send her the picture of this sushi to say thank you.

If you are living far from your mom, please take a moment to call her today.

It means a lot to all moms to get a call from our child.

If you are a mom, please take a moment to recognize all the hardship that you have gone through and honor where you are now.

You have done so much and you are always the most amazing mom to your child!

Happy mother’s day to all the moms in the world.

With all my heart


Happy Mother’s day to all the moms!!

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